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Counter-Currents’ own Andy Nowicki is at it again, with two new interviews at the Voice of Reason:
1. Keith Preston interviews Andy Nowicki at Attack the System
2. Robert Stark interviews Andy Nowicki at The Stark Truth
Also see Andy’s earlier interviews:
3. Greg Johnson and Mike Polignano interview Andy Nowicki for Counter-Currents Radio
4. Mike Connor and Matt Parrott interview Andy Nowicki for The Friday Show (starting at the beginning of the second h0ur)
Also see James J. O’Meara’s reviews of Andy’s recent books:
2. The Doctor and the Heretic and Other Stories
Our recent free Kindle edition promotion for The Columbine Pilgrim netted 397 new readers.
Our thanks to Andy, to the interviewers, and to you, our readers.
Greg Johnson